Shakir Muhammad Usman, The Kurds. A misunderstood and forgotten might of Mesopotamia

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Wydanie I
Poznań 2024
Format 14,5x21 cm
ISBN 978-83-68006-42-1
DOI: 10.48226/978-83-68006-42-1
ss. 182

język: angielski

The ancient Mesopotamian region is home to a wide variety of religio-spiritual practices including ancient Kurdish religions such as Yazidism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Yazdanism, also known as the Cult of Angels, Mithraism and Manichaeism. Followers of these religions dominated parts of this region for centuries. Historical evidence suggests that the roots of the Kurds could go back as far as the Akkadians in the third millennium, or to the Indo- European and mixed groups of the second millennium, such as the Kassites and Hurrians, or to the Medes of the later second millennium. Their cultural identity is one of the oldest in the region. With the passage of time, their DNA might have been mixed with the other ethnic groups, but there is no doubt that the Kurds are an ethnic group with early roots.

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